
Annual Dues

Annual membership dues for the Rhone-Brackett American Inn of Court are due on or before the first meeting each Fall.

To incentivize Members to pay their annual membership dues early, the Inn offers a $25 discount for those who pay on or before the first meeting (September). After the first meeting, dues increase to the regular rate. After the second meeting (October), a $35 late fee will be assessed. After the third meeting (November), an additional $35 late fee will be assessed.

Level Experience Discount Regular 1st Late Fee 2nd Late Fee
By 1st Mtg. By 2nd Mtg. After 2nd Mtg. After 3rd Mtg.
Student $100 $100 $100 $100
Associate Grad – 5 years $250 $275 $310 $345
Barrister 6-14 years $350 $375 $410 $445
Master 15+ years $375 $400 $445 $470

Students and Members who have entered into a written payment plan with the Inn Treasurer are exempt from this protocol. Those on a payment plan need to stay current or a $35 fee will be assessed for late payments.

Dinner Guests and No-Shows

  • For each member’s first guest of the 2023/2024 Inn year:
    • there will be no charge for the first guest’s meal if the meeting is at the Burwell Center.
    • there will be a reduced charge for the first guest’s meal for meetings at other locations.
  • After the first guest, members must pay for each additional guest’s meal.
  • Anyone that RSVPs to the meeting and does not attend will be charged for their meal.


Credit/Debit card via Square (credit card fees will apply): https://www.rbicmembership.org/

  • Square payments include a 2.9% fee and a $0.30 fee per transaction.

Venmo:  https://venmo.com/Rhone-Brackett or search for @Rhone-Brackett

Check: Payable to Rhone Brackett Inn of Court